Nokia has recently introduced the Nokia X6 16GB, a full touchscreen handset that has a 3.2-inch full touchscreen display in 16:9 ratio (360 x 640 pixels) and 16 million colors. Available in all black, all white, white with pink highlights and white with yellow highlights colors, the phone is powered by a 433.9MHz processor with a 5-megapixel camera with dual flash LED for low light photography, Bluetooth 2.0, a 3.5mm headphone jack, A-GPS and WLAN. The Nokia X6 16GB will be sold without the Come with Music service but will come with the latest Symbian S60 5th edition. Additionally, the phone comes equipped with a battery that provides up to 11.5 hours of talk time, up to 18 days of standby time, up to 35 hours of music playback time, or up to 4 hours of video playback time.
02 XDA IQ Wi-Fi SmartPhone
We’ve shown you some great PDA/Phone combos, but 02’s may be the most versatile yet. This 02 XDA IQ Wi-Fi SmartPhone runs on the vry handy Windows Mobile 5.0 and comes equipped with Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, infrared, a 1.3-megapixel camera, a mini SD slot, quad-band, GPRS, and EDGE. The “drawback” is that the screen only displays 64,000 colors, but will you really notice? No word on price and availability yet. Info via
O2 Ice Cell Phone
O2 Graphite Smartphone
O2 Cocoon Music
The O2 Cocoon features FM radio alarm clock and has a 3.5mm socket. The phone has a 2GB storage that can be doubled to 4GB using the Micro SD slot. The controls for the MP3 player are on the outside. Other specs include Bluetooth A2DP, 2MP shooter with flash and AF plus the ability to handle DRM-free AAC iTunes Plus downloads. The 3G O2 Cocoon phone will be released in the UK in August for $590.