An anonymous tipster is claiming the Motorola Backflip will be launched on AT&T for $324 on March 7th. We can’t verify the validity of these rumors but they don’t sound far fetched: we assumed the Backflip would hit AT&T, March 7th is reasonable and $324 falls in line with pre-subsidized pricing that we would expect. Maybe even a tad cheaper.
The Motorola Backflip sports a pretty crazy form factor which we demoed on video at CES. It’s an interesting entry as AT&T’s first ever Android Phone – rather than playing it safe it seems they’re aiming their targets directly towards a youthful market of trend setters. It will be interesting to see how well the Backflip performs against the iPhone series.
I can see why AT&T would release a phone unique to their lineup first, but I may have launched with a more traditional form factor in testing the Android waters. Or maybe launch with 2 devices this far into the game – the Hero and the Backflip.
I should really stop complaining; it’s just nice to see AT&T with their first Android Phone on the way!