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AT&T Motorola Backflip Coming March 7th For $324

AT&T Motorola Backflip Coming March 7th For $324
An anonymous tipster is claiming the Motorola Backflip will be launched on AT&T for $324 on March 7th. We can’t verify the validity of these rumors but they don’t sound far fetched: we assumed the Backflip would hit AT&T, March 7th is reasonable and $324 falls in line with pre-subsidized pricing that we would expect. Maybe even a tad cheaper.

The Motorola Backflip sports a pretty crazy form factor which we demoed on video at CES. It’s an interesting entry as AT&T’s first ever Android Phone – rather than playing it safe it seems they’re aiming their targets directly towards a youthful market of trend setters. It will be interesting to see how well the Backflip performs against the iPhone series.

I can see why AT&T would release a phone unique to their lineup first, but I may have launched with a more traditional form factor in testing the Android waters. Or maybe launch with 2 devices this far into the game – the Hero and the Backflip.

I should really stop complaining; it’s just nice to see AT&T with their first Android Phone on the way!

Lenovo LePhone

Lenovo LePhone
Although the awkwardly aligned keyboard layout seems more like an OCD-inspired distraction more than anything else, the Lenovo Lephone looks absolutely amazing otherwise.
Rumor has it the Lephone won’t be escaping the grasp of China any time soon… if at all. So if feasting your eyes is causing an appetite to generate, be warned that you may be left starving.

And by the way… yes, that keyboard is detachable.

Samsung-built, Google-branded Android phones

Samsung-built, Google-branded Android phones
According to man-about-town, Robert X. Cringely, Samsung is readying not one, but two separate Android-based phones, one of which is due in September, with another model following around Christmas. If you believe what you read (and what his tipster says), these phones will not be labeled Samsung, rather they will be released as Google-branded gPhones. The model released in the Fall will be a "higher-end" model which apparently looks "somewhat like a Blackberry Pearl" but with a screen that flips and "a keyboard for texting" (though to be honest, that description makes little sense, as the Pearl has a keyboard). The second device will be a cheaper model (under $100), and will likely be released after the holidays. Of course, right now this is just speculation -- given the large gap of time between now and September, these plans could be completely rearranged or nixed altogether... even if they are accurate.

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